Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jeevathuma is Sukshumamam

It is energy that comes into form (human, animal, ant, plant etc) depending on Karmas. This Jeevathuma (call it sprit/ sukshuma/ soul) joins with Paramathuma when there is no credit of puniyas or papas. Human can send his/her soul through Susunba Nerve right through spinal cord on to top of skull where there it can open and go to GOD. This is done only by Yogi after several births of practice Bagavan says in Geetha.
Electricity cannot be seen but can be known or used with help of material. So is everything on earth. The body is instrument packed with 6 types of DNA based on astrological factors again this based on one` s karmas. Body Pancha boothas (5 elements) covered by Pancha gosas (5 Layers of auras) and within or near to heart there is a vacuum space where this soul remains witness for all that the body, mind and intellect does. Actions of body (karmendriyam) Mind
(thoughts) are called Manasha Karma. All the Karmas are recorded by 5 sheets of Gosas. When soul leaves the body due to decay 6th stage (Bagavan says 6 stages of transformations all living things undergo), the soul goes to SUN along with 5 gosas and from there the path of soul decided. The soul comes to earth through rain drop, gets into any eatable, the body (known as annamaiya) which eats and sperms develop. These sperms are injected into female body where the soul starts developing form. Once the mind on 5th month in womb starts working, the soul has capacity to know all that happened in past birth. The infant in womb soaked in chemical substance, smelling very bad odor, thinks that it made mistake wasting previous birth amidst pomp and show, wealth and fame etc. Unable to remain in one position, due to pricks, keeps turning. The sufferings of a child in womb is worst than living on earth. The child in womb
surely does feel that once it is out of womb, it will do only tapas, bakthi and remain aloof from world. But on touching atmosphere everything erased due to the karmas it had. Example: Jada Bharatha story of 3 births.
DEAR SADAKS our scriptures had clearly said which month the baby develops form, when nail, when hair, when eyes etc. Each organ has it` s own devatha. Based on ones karma the child is born or dies in womb or gets suitable parents, countary/place, brothers sisters, poor/rich etc, with destined span of life. A person gets sickness first at aura level. The sickness penetrates through aura and enters body mostly at Kethu Raasi. One can take static from sick persons
and they will be Kethu rasi. Again all sickess or accidents or sufferings effects little or nothing in case of Bagavan Bakthas.
Persons Praying demi Gods, Bagavan says in Geetha Mooda. There is places where these are said in Geetha. But Bagavan Sri Vishnu took birth as Kapila and gave full text of human life and death in Sri Math Bagavath as KAPILA GEETHA. Further full information is in
Cycle of birth and death continues as long as one has desires on this earth. People, who contemplated that there is some thing much more extremely valuable, left behind everything in search of truth. Example: Buddha left kingdom, riches and happy family. Purandaradoss (said to be incarnation of Naradha) known as Nava Koti (9 Crores) narayana just left behind everything at one stroke went to Panderpur.
Sadaks- That does not mean we go away into forest. We can be Baktha concentrating on Sri Krishna having in mind that everyone and everything is Asat.
Who ever we may be. Once the soul departs the body is disposed off with in 24 hours

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