Sunday, February 21, 2010

Aatmahana mentioned earlier from the Upanishad means the one who evades oneself

Aatmahana mentioned earlier from the Upanishad means the one who evades oneself. Even in mundane world, it makes sense … one is dead when one cannot acknowledge oneself … the true burning question here is what is this "oneself"? One can come up with zillion 'answers' to this ... the same individual treats this in variant ways circumstantially since this Self (or soul) has a unique quality of becoming anything as perceived! Therefore, an intellect is perpetually left wandering around wondering what it is!! Grossly, the identity of an individual (or soul) oscillates between the world (relations), the body (actions), the mind (emotions) and the silence. The problem is that its four legs are glued into these four apparently distinct dominions so strongly that the fellow cannot shoft into any one dominion completely. Whenever it tries to be in one, the other three legs are so stretched out to accommodate this that they pull the fellow toward different dominions not letting the fellow rest anywhere! How to understand the one who cannot stay anywhere even for a moment?!
Considering that the fellow is 'the world' … the fellow is defined in terms of the relations provided and fascilitated by the world through its objects that the fellow is blessed to perceive. Afterall that is a show … no perception can remain (if it remains, it cannot be any perception but silence!) ... no object can remain (if it remains, it cannot be anymore an object, only a void remains!!) ... no relation can, therefore, remain (if it remains, it cannot relate anything as no relation can exist between a silence and a void!!!) ... therefore, the world is retiring perpetually on its own (Refer to Swamiji's wonderful revelations on this subject in SSS on Sahaja Nivritti) ... how can we 'kill' something that is killing itself perpetually? ??!!! Therefore, wise one who appreciates the momentary nature of the world would cease to imagine killing the fellow in 'the world' ... no suicide is possible there ...
Vishayaanaam prithagbhaavamudaya astamayou cha yat |
Prithagutpadyamaana anaam mattvaa dheero na shachate ||
Considering the fellow to be 'the body' … the fellow is defined by the matter-energy cluster that is undergoing perpetual recycling on its own to remain what it is … and, is acknowledged by the actions that are curned out perpetually in the process. No unique matter-energy- action cluster can ever exist even for a moment ... they loose their presence as soon as they take one! They are born dead in other words (Aja). How can we terminate this fellow who is born dead?! Consider the typical suicides around the world ... can anyone terminate the body without the assistance of the same. Even the ultimate dissolution of the body is in its own hand and is governed by its own terms! Who am I to say that I kill myself when the body quits the way it can and the way it is destined to??!!
Considering the fellow to be 'the mind' … being always absolutely under the spell of the senses governed by the body, it can never have its own presence anyway anytime … it is helpless but to entertain the imagery it receives from the senses. Again, a fellow defined by perpetually discharged pulses of momentary existence cannot be killed ... he is gone before you identify him! Again, a wise one would not entertain the idea of killing the fellow in dominion of thoughts that raise and fall perpetually like sunrise and sunset ...
IndriayaaNaam prithagbhaavamudaya astamayou cha yat |
Prithagutpadyamaana anaam mattvaa dheero na shachate ||
Considering the fellow to be 'the silence' or 'the void' … the space that accommodates the thoughts, actions as well as relation … it permeates everything … nothing can take any fraction of that away from it … it remains as is irrespective of the presence of objects and thoughts ... objects and thoughts depend on the space for existence and not vice versa! Also, it has nothing specific that can be identified to take away to start with. It has nothing to loose as it needs nothing to gain to be what it is!! Then how can you imagine something that has nothing to loose???!!! Again, 'killing' this fellow is an impossibility! !!
Where is the question of suicide when there is no room for 'killing' in the first place?Therefore, the idea of 'killing' anybody (INCLUDING ONESELF) is a mere myth …
Na jaayate mriyate vaa vipashchit naayam kutashchinna babhoova kashchit |
Ajo nityo shaashvato'yam puraaNo na hanyate hanyamaane shareere ||
No one can demand an unnatural result from anything? Nature is beyond all the demands one could ever putforth. How anyone even with an inkling to such a fact could ever imagine to 'kill' anything including oneself ??? … !!! … I wonder.

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