Monday, December 21, 2009


The Sanskrit word Karma has been derived from the root word "kru" which means "to do". The plain meaning of the word Karma is action or deed. Karma is also being used by some to indicate Destiny. Karmaphala means effect. . Karma comprises the entire cycle of cause and effect. We can say that Karma is a sum total of what a jiva has done, is currently doing and will do and their resultant reactions. Present and future experiences are the effect of all past deeds. This makes one responsible for one`s one life. Karma extends through not only one`s present life but also through past and future lifes, according to the religions which talk of rebirth. All religions which were either native in Bharath viz., Hinduism or were conceived in India,viz., Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism contain law of Karma.

The concept of Karma is an integral part of Hinduism. Action and reaction governs all life. Karma is not fate, as man acts with free will creating his own destiny. Sathya Sai Baba says,"If you sow Goodness, you will reap Goodness; if we sow evil, we will reap evil".
Conquest of Karma lies in intelligent and detached action and dispassionate reaction. Not all Karmas rebound immediately. While some karmas show their reaction in this very birth itself, others accumulate and return unexpectedly in this or other future births.
The Law of Karma is considered to be a Spiritually oriented law that can not be abrogated by any person but can be mitigated by God, the Karmaphaladhata. Karma is not punishment or retribution. To my humble mind, it is an extended expression of natural acts. The Bhagawad Gita sings eloquently on action and reaction and also about Nishkamya Karma or Selfless action ie., action without expecting any fruit in return. For fear of making this submission lengthy, I desist from delving into Bagawad Gita here

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